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Recent Publications

Sun, H. (submitted). Teacher’s linguistic features during shared book reading and preschooler’s Mandarin acquisition in Singapore.


Sun, H., Toh, W. M., & Steinkrauss, R. (2019, in press). Instructional strategies and linguistic features of preschool teacher’s shared book reading: variation, effectiveness and teacher’s characteristics. Applied Psycholinguistics.



Sun*, H., Ng, S. C., O’Brien, B.A., & Fritzsche, T. (2019, in press). Child, Family, and Preschool Factors of Ethnic Vocabulary Development among Bilingual Children with Diverse Linguistic Backgrounds.  Journal of Child Language. 



Sun*, H., Yussof, N., Vijayakumar, P., Lai, G., O’Brien, B. A., & Ong, Q.H. (2019). Teacher’s Code-switching and Bilingual Children’s Heritage Language Learning and Cognitive Switching Flexibility. Journal of Child Language, 1-29.



Rifkin-Graboi*, A., Khng, F., Cheung, P., Tsotsi, S., Sun, H., Kwok, F., Yu, Y, Xie, H; Yang, Y, & Chen, Mo. (2019). Will the future BE POSITIVE? How Early Life Parenting Signals the Developing “Pre” School Brain. Learning: Research and Practice, 1-27.



Sun*, H. (2019). Bilingual children’s Mandarin language and literacy environment at home and their Mandarin language and social-emotional skills: one stone for two birds? Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1-13. 



Sun*, H., Loh, J. Y., & Charles, A. C. (2019). Motion and sound in animated storybooks for preschooler’s total fixation time and mandarin language learning: an eye-tracking study with Singaporean bilingual children. AERA Open 5(2), 1-19. 



Sun*, H., Yussof, N., Mohamed, M., Rahim, A., Cheung, W. L., Cheong, S. A., & Bull, R. (2018). Bilingual language experience and social-emotional wellbeing:  A cross-sectional study of Singapore pre-schoolers. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Advance online publication.



Sun*, H., Yin, B., Amsah, F., & O’Brien, B. A. (2018). Differential effects of internal and external factors in early bilingual vocabulary learning: the case of Singapore. Applied Psycholinguistics, 39(2), 383-411.



Sun*, H., Steinkrauss, R., Wieling, M., & de Bot, K. (2018). Individual differences in very young Chinese children’s English vocabulary breadth and semantic depth: Internal and external factors. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21(4), 405-425. doi:10.1080/13670050.2016.1178706



Sun*, H., Steinkrauss, R., Cox, R., & de Bot, K. (2016). Foreign language learning as a complex dynamic system: A microgenetic case study of a Chinese child's  English learning trajectory. Learning and Individual Differences, 49, p. 287-296.   doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2016.05.010


Sun*, H., Steinkrauss, R., Tendeiro, J., & de Bot, K. (2016). Individual differences in very young children’s English acquisition in China: Internal and external factors. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 19(3), 550-566. doi:10.1017/S1366728915000243



Sun, H., de Bot*, K., & Steinkrauss, R. (2015). A multiple case study on the effects of temperamental traits in Chinese preschoolers learning English. The International Journal of Bilingualism, 19(6), 703-725. doi: 10.1177/1367006914534332. 


Journal Publications

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